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I’m a software developer, this is my corner of the web. If for some reason you want to know more, check the about me section.

If you would prefer a more visually engaging version of my portfolio, I am currently making one.



  • Nomad News - A Reddit-style news aggregator built as a solo bootcamp project. Features include article/comment voting, nested comments, theme switching (light/dark), and user authentication. Built with React, styled with Tailwind and neobrutalist components with a mobile first responsive design approach, using Supabase for the psql database. Deployed across Netlify and Render.

  • Meteorite Box - An interactive dashboard visualising NASA’s meteorite landing data. Features include an interactive map (React-Leaflet), mass distribution chart, and comprehensive search/filter options by mass, year, or name. Includes pagination and flexible sorting. Built with React and data visualisation libraries to make the data exploration intuitive and engaging. Also styled with tailwind and neobrutalist components.

  • Time Treasures - Bootcamp group project. A pirate themed gamified task tracker for adults who struggle with concentration.Built with react native, styled with react native paper. Users can create custom tasks and routines, set a timer for a group of tasks and track their progress.

  • Terminal Tales - WIP: Terminal Tales - An educational terminal-based game concept that reimagines Linux utilities as characters in an interconnected world. The vision is to create an engaging experience that makes learning Linux fundamentals both accessible and entertaining. In development phase.

  • End Game - WIP: A chess end game simulator that allows you to practice different end game strategies by selecting pieces and arranging them in random random positions. In early development phase.

  • Smoll pi - concept: A proposed distributed computing project to calculate π using repurposed hardware and Raspberry Pis. The concept involves creating a compute cluster using smol tcp and implementing Bellard’s formula in Rust. In conceptual phase.

Blog Posts

  • Post 0 - A test post.
  • Post 1 - A brief note on my software development bootcamp experience.


  • Photos - A collection of photographs I’ve taken on my phone.